MACCW has played a critical role in advancing the mission of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. We advocate for religious education for public school children, their practices of mercy and social concern, and their stout witness for justice, and public morality.
We invite you to become united with all Catholic women of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. Benefits include bi-yearly subscription to our Newsnotes, which contains information regarding key issues on Spirituality, Service and Leadership at the Local and National level. When you join the Milwaukee CCW you will stand in solidarity with other Catholic women who share your faith, values and dedication to serving others. We support, empower and educate Catholic women:
- You will expand the influence of Catholic women creating positive, life giving change
- You will have a voice on a national scale, speaking on behalf of women and children in need
- You will experience personal growth and spiritual enrichment while sharing the camaraderie of other Catholic women.
Download the form below and mail with payment to us (individual membership is just $10!) or click "Join Now," button, to purchase a one-year membership.